Our Unique MadVenture 360 Integration With HDR Capabilities

One of the many things we take pride in here at immoviewer is our unflinching camera agnostic approach to 3D 360° tour software. We know that the advances in 360° camera technology are fast-moving and exploding with new capabilities. Our goal is to make sure our clients can use the cameras that allow them to participate in this new media expansion with minimal effort. Sometimes cameras come close to being a perfect fit for the real estate market but just miss on a feature or two. That’s the case with the MadVenture 360.

The MadVenture 360 camera has been widely reviewed as the consumer 360° camera with the current best photo quality and resolution, but missing in-camera HDR features important to the real estate market. So the immoviewer development team has been working to solve for that HDR limitation.  The technical integration with the MadVenture 360 and MiSphere cameras has been in progress for more than six months.

Automated HDR 

The HDR process combines images captured at three different exposures into a single image that improves shadow and highlight details.

Producing the correct HDR (high dynamic range) solution to work on the immoviewer platform was not a simple task. The process involves blending images captured at three different exposures to bring details to both the shadows and the highlights of a photo to improve image quality, then stitching them together to form the final full-spherical 360° image. This is particularly critical in real estate photography. Now MadVenture 360 camera owners have an automated way to produce HDR images using the immoviewer real estate tour platform.

“Everyone here is excited about the integration immoviewer has completed with our MadVenture 360 cameras,” said Jason Wang, the co-founder of Beijing MADV Technology Co. Ltd. “We are proud of the reviews we’ve received since launching the MadVenture 360 and know that an integration with the immoviewer platform will further enhance our product. The teams at MADV and immoviewer worked well together with the goal of making this integration work seamlessly. We are all committed to supplying our shared customers with an affordable, high-quality solution to help them gain a competitive advantage in their businesses.”

We believe the immoviewer software platform is the perfect vehicle for demonstrating the affordable quality of the MadVenture 360 camera. Considering this is a $300 camera, the 24-megapixel images produced by the MadVenture 360 are quite good, but the absence of in-camera HDR capabilities wouldn’t allow us to fully integrate with our software. We are thrilled to show off the new integration, complete with HDR functions, at NAR Annual Conference in Boston this week.

The immoviewer software platform is designed to accept images from any compatible 360° camera, and the app itself can create tours with just your mobile device as well. “We are very happy with the enthusiastic help the MADV team provided,” explains Steve Bintz, immoviewer Director of Sales, “and we are delighted to continue to honor our commitment to a camera agnostic approach to our software platform. We believe in the continued growth of single-shot 360° cameras. These cameras shoot video and photos and can handle locations filled with people, so agents have the ability to create tours of their local community, not just homes.”

Any immoviewer customer can receive a discount on the MadVenture 360 camera with the acquisition of a promo code. REALTORS® attending the NAR Conference who would like to see the MadVenture 360° camera in action can visit immoviewer at booth #1384.